Re: [AD] triple buffering and page flipping

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Sevalecan Dragon wrote:
I dont know if anyone has reported this problem or what(didnt find it by searching) but

I downloaded allegro 4.2.0 release on my 200mhz gateway running win2k(hahaha.) compiled it, everything went smooth.

I decided to play the demo, and soon realized I could not use triple buffering, that was fine, I stuck with dirty rectangles, assuming I didnt have the video memory.

But then I came back to my main machine with winXP ( with an ati radeon 9200 with 128megs of video ram) and decided to try it again. I cant use page flipping OR triple buffering, afaik, this has worked for me on all previous versions of allegro. All it does is do the scanning for credits then after that it crashes immediately.

I'm only assuming its not my own fault, since im running the latest DX, sp1 and didnt modify the demo, plus the 'test' program seems to think I have the capability anyway.

Crashes here too. Autodetect, triple buffer. DX 9.0C, XP Pro SP2, mingw, a64 3200+..

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