Re: [AD] Broken behaviour of al_findfirst.

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On Saturday 26 November 2005 22:27, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> Proposed patch:

Nah, I think this one is a bit cleaner. It's been gathering dust on my 
harddisk for several weeks now, and should probably have been applied to 
4.2 prior to release. As it is now, FA_ALL is undocumented.

Index: docs/src/allegro._tx
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/docs/src/allegro._tx,v
retrieving revision 1.367
diff -u -r1.367 allegro._tx
--- docs/src/allegro._tx	25 Sep 2005 22:01:35 -0000	1.367
+++ docs/src/allegro._tx	28 Sep 2005 20:55:41 -0000
@@ -9843,25 +9843,36 @@
 always begin with the 32-bit value F_PACK_MAGIC, and autodetect files with 
 the value F_NOPACK_MAGIC.
-The following FA_* flags are guaranteed to work: FA_RDONLY, FA_HIDDEN,
-FA_SYSTEM, FA_LABEL, FA_DIREC, FA_ARCH. Do not use any other flags from 
-DOS/Windows or your code will not compile on another platform. Flags
-FA_SYSTEM, FA_LABEL and FA_ARCH are valuable only on DOS/Windows (entries
-with system flag, volume labels and archive flag). FA_RDONLY is for 
-directory entries with read-only flag on DOS-like systems or unwritable 
-by current user on Unix-like systems. FA_HIDDEN is for entries with hidden 
-flag on DOS-like systems or starting with '.' on Unix (dotted files - 
-excluding '.' and '..'). FA_DIREC represents directories. Flags can be 
-combined using '|' (binary OR operator).
+The following FA_* flags are guaranteed to work:
+      FA_NONE           - Exclude files that have any attribute set
+      FA_RDONLY         - Directory entries that are unwritable for current user
+      FA_HIDDEN         - Hidden flag
+      FA_DIREC          - Directories
+      FA_SYSTEM         - Files with system flag set (DOS/Windows only)
+      FA_LABEL          - Files with volume label flag set (DOS/Windows only)
+      FA_ARCH           - Files with archive flag set (DOS/Windows only)
+      FA_ALL            - Match all attributes<endblock>
+Do not use any other flags from DOS/Windows or your code will not compile on 
+another platform.
+FA_RDONLY is for directory entries with read-only flag on DOS-like systems or 
+unwritable by current user on Unix-like systems. Hidden files are directory
+entries that have the hidden flag set (DOS/Windows) or have names starting with
+'.' (UNIX, excluding '.' and '..').
+Flags can be combined using '|' (binary OR operator).
 When passed to the functions as the 'attrib' parameter, these flags 
 represent an upper set in which the actual flag set of a matching file must 
 be included. That is, in order for a file to be matching, its attributes 
 may contain any of the specified flags but must not contain any of the 
-unspecified flags. Thus, if you pass 'FA_DIREC | FA_RDONLY', normal files 
+unspecified flags. In other words, you explictly <i>exclude</i> the flags that you
+do <i>not</i> specify. Thus if you pass 'FA_DIREC | FA_RDONLY', normal files 
 and directories will be included as well as read-only files and 
 directories, but not hidden files and directories. Similarly, if you pass 
-'FA_ARCH' then both archived and non-archived files will be included.
+'FA_ARCH' then both archived and non-archived files will be included. If
+FA_NONE is passed all attributes are excluded and only files with no attributes
+are returned. Conversely, if you pass FA_ALL, no attributes are excluded so all
+files are returned (which is what you would usually want).
 Functions which accept wildcards as file names support the meta characters
 `*' (which means, zero or any quantity of characters) and `?' (which means
@@ -10168,7 +10179,7 @@
       struct al_ffblk info;
-      if (al_findfirst("*.pcx", &info, 0) != 0) {
+      if (al_findfirst("*.pcx", &info, FA_ALL) != 0) {
 	 /* Tell user there are no PCX files. */

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