Re: [AD] fbcon directcolor modes patch, and possible other patches

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On 2005-11-10, Vincent Penecherc'h <Vincent.Penecherch@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Following this, I had a go at checking if I could get away
> with not changing the video mode if it was already the
> correct one. I've made a new FB driver that "attaches" to
> the current screen mode. It's quite nifty, you can map the
> FB by calling "set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_ATTACH,0,0,0,0),
> and modify the screen. I've even made an example program
> that forks away and updates a clock on the screen corner.

Not requesting a resolution change was already implemented
as GFX_SAFE for fbdev (remember that by default Allegro is 8bit
palette mode, the color depth has to be changed). The only thing
missing was making the global screen contain what the screen had
(which I guess is what you made?).

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