[AD] Mouse events getting through to other consoles

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If I run two Allegro programs in two different consoles,
the clicks will get through to both. This also happens if
I run one Allegro program, switch away, click a few times,
and switch back. I had a hard time following the source
through its convoluted self (and it used to be worse, if
I believe a (Peter's ?) comment in one of the source files)
and finding out that it all emanates from a thread's top
level routine.
It happens both with EVDEV and LPS2, so isn't the driver.
I haven't quite worked out the entire thing fully, but it
seems that the device ought to be flushed upon switching
back in. That, however, would require a lot of lines being
added (routines in the STANDARD_DRIVER (IIRC) vtable, and
the INTERNAL_STD_DRIVER or something.
I'm too disgusted with that code to do anything about this
for a while though, so I'll just ask if it's a known bug.
I never noticed it when I've been using the signal version
of Allegro. That was more than a year ago though, so that
doesn't mean much probably.

I made a little program that loops and checks mouse_b. It
registers clicks happening on other consoles just after
the switch back (it logs timestamps). I didn't set any
switch callback or switch mode.

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