Re: [AD] Subversion

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On Tuesday 01 November 2005 02:26, Peter Wang wrote:
> I would really like to migrate to Subversion ASAP, after 4.2.0 is out.

Yes, I think this makes sense. Soon (as in, immediately) after 4.2.0 but 
before merging the 4.3 changes back to mainline would be good.
One question though: will we keep the 4.2 branch in CVS, or move that to 
subversion as well? This is relevant for a 4.2.1 release.
I propose to keep the 4.2 branch in CVS and do all the 4.3/5.0 stuff in SVN.

> The 4.3 source needs reorganising so that is it more obviously
> stratified and modular.  Files need to be renamed and moved about but I
> don't want to lose the histories doing that.  And hopefully SVN would be
> smarter at merging after renames than CVS (anyone know?)

It should, yes.

> I was going to suggest moving the code off, at least temporarily,
> but they just sent out a newsletter regarding their SVN plans.
> Unfortunately they have no specific timetable but we can ask to be in
> their beta trial.  Do you think we should go for that? 

Yes, I think that would be a good idea given certain boundary conditions. I 
haven't read their newsletter yet, but it would be really unfortunate if 
something were to go wrong with a commit and we would end up losing files 
(say). Perhaps it'll be enough to keep local sandbox copies of files around.

About CVS -> SVN scripts, I hear that these are somewhat unreliable due to the 
difference in how CVS and SVN work. I have no first hand experience with them 
though, and I've only played with subversion very briefly (it's not installed 
on our university network, but CVS is - so I decided to stick with that for 
whatever software development I need to do here).


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