Re: [AD] 4.2.0-rc2 -> 4.2.0 patch

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On Tuesday 15 November 2005 11:01, Vincent Penecherc'h wrote:
> which I got yesterday from
> doesn't seem to be right. It doesn't apply, and looking at the
> first few hunks (AUTHORS), I see one is already applied, and
> the other is new. My guess is it's either been generated against
> an earlier copy of Allegro, or against a working copy of it.
> Unless I've somehow messed up...
> (and yes, I did apply it (thankfully I always try --dry-run at
> first) to a pristine 4.2.0-rc2, not my patch riddled version).

It's a diff against the last WIP, not against RC2, which made sense to me at 
the time as the beta's and RC's are now hidden. If we decide to unhide them 
(but I'm not sure we should) it will have to be replaced with a RC2->release 


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