Re: [AD] Allegro 4.3 Settings/Conf API

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On November 17, 2005 07:10 am, Vincent Penecherc'h wrote:
> > That is the general idea, but you still have to accept paths
> > given from the
> > user, or a platform specific dialog perhaps?
> >
> > >This is a separate issue from the canonical path list though.
> >
> > In my view, they should be together. File handling is file handling.
> Yes, you do have a point.

To be a little more precise (I'm tired...) each platform could, and should 
provide a two methods, one to convert to the "allegro path format" and ont to 
convert from it. Though this is a little different from the normal "driver" 
setup we currently use, because these "methods" may have to be available on 
all other platforms. Now, while typing that I've come to realize that at the 
most one (platform format to allegro format) will be needed out side of its 
native platform, if not none... But hey, I said I was tired ;)

Thomas Fjellstrom

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