Re: [AD] Allegro 4.3 Settings/Conf API

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On November 17, 2005 06:08 am, Vincent Penecherc'h wrote:
> > Sorry, I suppose I was caught up in the (imo beautiful) idea
> > of Allegro as the
> > platform. Somewhat similar to Qt infact.
> And if you're using several such libs, each with its own idea
> about how to do things, then each lib should stick to what its
> purpose is, or you'll get a headache sorting things out between
> them. And most such things ought to be off by default if it
> makes sense for them to be.
> Still, it's a game (okay, graphics/input/sound) library, not
> an operating system. Let it deal with what it needs, not the
> rest (redoing the wheel, etc).
> That said, I still think it's a good idea to have this platform
> canonical path type thing, just kept simple, because lots of
> games will need to save files, or load settings.


Though its going to need a api similar to Perl's File::Spec 
( and 
( modules. 
Full parsing and creation of platform specific paths, all possibly done 
behind the back of the programmer.

At some point I'll start a wiki page on my ideas for file handling in allegro, 
without directly including my full VFS design, since I know I'm going to want 
to use it away from allegro ;)

Thomas Fjellstrom

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