RE: [AD] Broken behaviour of al_findfirst.

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>  2. Unix code should be modified to require FA_ARCH for files,

While that may be a pragmatic view, I scoff at the idea :)

Better I think (IIRC, I'd suggested it before, I'm unsure) is to
add a parameter to the thing:

AL_FUNC(int, al_findfirst, (AL_CONST char *pattern, struct al_ffblk
*info, int needed_attrib, int excluded_attrib));

so the behavior is obvious. Then FA_ARCH would be present in none
of the two arguments, and it being set would be irrelevant to code
that would just stay blithely unaware of that particular flag, as
it should.

Now, ISTR from my DOS days (well, almost 10 years ago now)
that pretty much nobody except PCbackup (or was it cpbackup ?)
uses those FA_ARCH flags anyway... So a solution akin to
Grzegorz's would be to modify the DOS code to silently omit
that flag from whatever the interrupt returns (ah, this brings
back some memories of DOS coding, int 10h, int 21h, int 1ch....)

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