Re: [AD] Non C program accessing Allegro on OS X |
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On Friday, October 28, 2005, at 01:42 pm, Jon Rafkind wrote:
I mean at what point does the OS X code get called? I tried calling
the OS X setup code by hand but this doesnt work. I think things would
work if the OS X init code occured somewhere during install_allegro,
No, a lot of it has already happened by then. The Application object
gets created and its run loop is started. Normally the app would get a
didFinishLaunching notfication, then it would enter its run-loop,
processing events. Allegro apps never exit from didFinishLaunching,
instead they spawn a thread with the user code, and stay in their own
event/screen-update loop. SDL does the same kind of thing, but, because
SDL apps use an event queue, they don't need to spawn a thread.
In your MzThingy, can you create Mac graphical apps at all? If so, it
might be possible to patch in Allegro's app delegate - though you might
need a bit of hacking on the Allegro side too.