Re: [AD] OSX - joystick fix

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On 2005-09-29, Peter Hull <peter.hull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've now done it via emacs and it looks a lot better, _most_ of the 
> changes are real with just a few oddities that I guess are trailing 
> spaces.
> Let me know what you think,

I have committed it, more or less as-is.

It would be nice to see the formatting more closely aligned to standard
Allegro style in future, but it's your choice what you do in src/macosx.

- three blank lines between functions
- the opening brace of a function should start on a new line
- spaces around most operators (use your judgement) and after keywords
- write "TYPE *var" instead of "TYPE* var" (or just be consistent within
  the file/directory)


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