Re: [AD] C99 isms in test.c

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Hi all,

comments below.

Evert Glebbeek wrote:
    ct = 0;
do {
-      z = fixmul(x,y);
+      z += fixmul(x,y);
       x += 1317;
       y += 7143;
Why are these changes needed? Don't x and y change every iteration?

Yes, but z is never used. A clever compiler will notice this and remove the `redundant' calculation. I haven't actually checked if it does this in this case, but I've seen it doing that in similar cases and I thought it best to err on the side of caution.

While I don't want to argue about the relevance of this piece of code, I'd rather like to suggest to comment on the changes. I don't know how you guys handle commenting, but still, the x += and y+= lines of code do not comment on themselves and were added with some assumptions about the compiler in mind - something that would nicely go along with something like "Both x and y have to be changed so that a clever optimizer does not optimize away z".

Just my two cents ;-)


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