[AD] Fwd: OSX - lockup

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Hello! Sorry, I sent this just to myself instead of to the list (what's the smiley for "stupid"?) Ignore the diff that relates to the docs, as I think that's been clarified already.



Begin forwarded message:

From: Peter Hull <peter.hull90@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu Sep 8, 2005  9:57:42  pm Europe/London
To: Peter Hull <peter.hull90@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: OSX - lockup

On Thursday, September 1, 2005, at 06:59  am, Peter Hull wrote:

More of a note to myself, really, as I'm away this weekend. Solak has found a lock-up when using vsync() whilst the screen is acquired

 vsync(); /* problem here */
 rect(10, 10, SCREEN_W - 10, SCREEN_H - 10, makecol(255, 255, 255));

I'll send a fix in soon; I think the most sensible course is that vsync should be a no-op if the screen is acquired. Any comments?

OK, here is the proposed fix. If you call vsync() when the screen is acquired, it will do nothing in release builds and assert in debug builds. I think it's still possible to get a race condition that will sometimes lock things up iff you're calling vsync from a different thread to the drawing thread, but surely no-one would be daft enough to do that, would they?

Also, for discussion, is a change to the docs to remind people not to do too much stuff while the screen is locked. The paragraph is still rather DOS/Windows-centric though, should it be made more general? (i.e. the bit about locking DirectDraw surfaces)


Attachment: vsync.osx.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: vsync.docs.diff
Description: Binary data

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