[AD] Adding a few timing tests to alegro/tests/test

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This patch adds a few floating point operation comparisons to the
basic fixed point profiling test. On my PIII multiply and divide
are faster as floating point, but the fixed point routines using
lookup tables are still faster (but not too much).
Index: tests/test.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/tests/test.c,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -p -r1.38 test.c
--- tests/test.c	22 Jun 2005 17:39:28 -0000	1.38
+++ tests/test.c	8 Sep 2005 11:40:00 -0000
@@ -1405,6 +1405,7 @@ void misc(void)
    BITMAP *p;
    volatile fixed x, y, z;
+   volatile float fx, fy, fz;
    clear_to_color(screen, palette_color[0]);
    textout_ex(screen,font,"Timing some other routines...", xoff+44, 6, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
@@ -1423,7 +1424,7 @@ void misc(void)
       } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
       sprintf(buf,"clear_bitmap(320x200): %ld per second", ct/TIME_SPEED);
-      textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+50, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+      textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+15, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
    x = y = 0;
@@ -1440,7 +1441,23 @@ void misc(void)
    } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
    sprintf(buf, "fixmul(): %ld per second", ct/TIME_SPEED);
-   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+60, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+25, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   fx = fy = 0;
+   tm = 0; _tm = 0;
+   ct = 0;
+   do {
+      fz = fx * fy;
+      fx += 1317;
+      fy += 7143;
+      ct++;
+      if (next())
+	 return;
+   } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
+   sprintf(buf, "float *:  %ld per second", ct/TIME_SPEED);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+35, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
    x = y = 0;
    tm = 0; _tm = 0;
@@ -1458,7 +1475,25 @@ void misc(void)
    } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
    sprintf(buf, "fixdiv(): %ld per second", ct/TIME_SPEED);
-   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+70, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+45, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   fx = fy = 1;
+   tm = 0; _tm = 0;
+   ct = 0;
+   do {
+      fz = fx / fy;
+      fx += 1317;
+      fy += 7143;
+      if (fy==0)
+	 fy++;
+      ct++;
+      if (next())
+	 return;
+   } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
+   sprintf(buf, "float /:  %ld per second", ct/TIME_SPEED);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+55, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
    x = 1;
    tm = 0; _tm = 0;
@@ -1472,8 +1507,23 @@ void misc(void)
    } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
-   sprintf(buf, "fixsqrt(): %ld per second", ct/TIME_SPEED);
-   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+80, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   sprintf(buf, "fixsqrt():    %ld per second", ct/TIME_SPEED);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+65, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   fx = 1;
+   tm = 0; _tm = 0;
+   ct = 0;
+   do {
+      fy = fixsqrt(fx);
+      fx += 7361;
+      ct++;
+      if (next())
+	 return;
+   } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
+   sprintf(buf, "libc sqrtf(): %ld per second", ct/TIME_SPEED);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+75, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
    x = 1;
    tm = 0; _tm = 0;
@@ -1487,8 +1537,23 @@ void misc(void)
    } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
-   sprintf(buf, "fixsin(): %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
-   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+90, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   sprintf(buf, "fixsin():    %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+85, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   fx = 1;
+   tm = 0; _tm = 0;
+   ct = 0;
+   do {
+      fy = sinf(fx);
+      fx += 4283;
+      ct++;
+      if (next())
+	 return;
+   } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
+   sprintf(buf, "libc sinf(): %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+95, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
    x = 1;
    tm = 0; _tm = 0;
@@ -1503,7 +1568,7 @@ void misc(void)
    } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
    sprintf(buf, "fixcos(): %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
-   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+100, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+105, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
    x = 1;
    tm = 0; _tm = 0;
@@ -1517,8 +1582,23 @@ void misc(void)
    } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
-   sprintf(buf, "fixtan(): %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
-   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+110, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   sprintf(buf, "fixtan():    %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+115, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   fx = 1;
+   tm = 0; _tm = 0;
+   ct = 0;
+   do {
+      fy = tanf(fx);
+      fx += 8372;
+      ct++;
+      if (next())
+	 return;
+   } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
+   sprintf(buf, "libc tanf(): %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+125, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
    x = 1;
    tm = 0; _tm = 0;
@@ -1534,7 +1614,7 @@ void misc(void)
    } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
    sprintf(buf, "fixasin(): %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
-   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+120, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+135, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
    x = 1;
    tm = 0; _tm = 0;
@@ -1550,7 +1630,7 @@ void misc(void)
    } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
    sprintf(buf,"fixacos(): %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
-   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+130, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+145, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
    x = 1;
    tm = 0; _tm = 0;
@@ -1564,8 +1644,23 @@ void misc(void)
    } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
-   sprintf(buf, "fixatan(): %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
-   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+140, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   sprintf(buf, "fixatan():    %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+155, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   fx = 1;
+   tm = 0; _tm = 0;
+   ct = 0;
+   do {
+      fy = atanf(fx);
+      fx += 7358;
+      ct++;
+      if (next())
+	 return;
+   } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
+   sprintf(buf, "libc atanf(): %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+165, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
    x = 1, y = 2;
    tm = 0; _tm = 0;
@@ -1581,7 +1676,7 @@ void misc(void)
    } while (tm < TIME_SPEED);
    sprintf(buf, "fixatan2(): %ld per second", ct / TIME_SPEED);
-   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+150, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
+   textout_ex(screen, font, buf, xoff+16, yoff+175, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);
    textout_ex(screen, font, "Press a key or mouse button", xoff+52, SCREEN_H-10, palette_color[15], palette_color[0]);

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