Re: [AD] Allegro 4.2.0 RC2

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Elias Pschernig wrote:
I see. Your fix most certainly will break the program though:

82 * sqrt(2) + 2 = 117
82 * (int)sqrt(2) + 2 = 84

oh, am i really that stupid? :-)
what about this?

that's for now, rest after motogp :-)


ICQ# 175762750
--- exsprite.c.old	Mon Feb 14 06:56:20 2005
+++ exsprite.c	Sun Aug 28 14:01:10 2005
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
    /* create and clear a bitmap for sprite buffering, big
     * enough to hold the diagonal(sqrt(2)) when rotating */
-   sprite_buffer = create_bitmap(82 * sqrt(2) + 2, 82 * sqrt(2) + 2);
+   sprite_buffer = create_bitmap((int)(82 * sqrt(2) + 2), (int)(82 * sqrt(2) + 2));
    x = (sprite_buffer->w - 82) / 2;

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