Re: [AD] Preparing for RC2 |
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MSVC7 builds OK
1 warning... hardly a "show stopper".
tools\grabber.c(3640) : warning C4090: '=' : different 'const' qualifiers
line 3640: datedit_select_dlg[2].dp = list_getter;
/examples/exkeys, after pressing shift too many times like a muppet; the
"sticky keys" feature in WinXP turned on, and dropped me out to a dialog
box, upon exit of dialog, the allegro window is minimzed, and fails to
return to focus, alt-tab and right click-restore are not available, i
have a hung exkeys :(
still on exkeys, the numlock key on my numpad keyboard, reports as the
word "Pause" in the bottom right corner of exkeys,
the normal pause key(over break) reports as "PAUSE" (middle left colomn).
I will be packaging up RC2 tomorrow. Please point out any patches which
I've missed or if there are any showstoppers.
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