Re: [AD] MSVC 8 cl flags

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> > For MSVC 6 and MSVC 7, the /GB flag is default so it doesn't really
> > need to be there anyway. (According to the /? help anyway.)
> IMHO there is no problem with removing /GB
I didn't think there was either, but I wasn't sure if the docs can be
trusted. ;)

> > Second, tons of standard things are deprecated. To suppress those
> > warnings, the "/wd4996" switch should be used. However, it is not
> > present on MSVC6, so it can only be added on the MSVC7 and later
> > targets.
> I'm not sure if there is some possible way of msvc version detection,
> however easiest would be probably to add new msvc8 option.
I think adding a MSVC 8 target would be the best approach, because
other things might come up. However, it could be added to the MSVC 7
target because it supports /wd as well.

Matthew Leverton

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