Re: [AD] alleg-main

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On Tuesday 30 August 2005 20:15, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> For those not subscribed to alleg-main, some posts worth looking at:
Good point, I'm sure I remember writing something to this effect at some point 
(/usr/local/bin was taken out of the 'as-installed' path in 10.3 IIRC)
I included this special line in the makefile
@if (printenv PATH |grep -q -v "$(INSTALLDIR)/bin"); then echo "Please check 
that $(INSTALLDIR)/bin is in your path (see docs/build/macosx.txt)"; fi
..but there is no mention of it in macosx.txt. Patch attached.


--- macosx._tx.orig	2005-08-30 21:52:17.566219200 +0100
+++ macosx._tx	2005-08-30 21:57:13.243269456 +0100
@@ -152,7 +152,24 @@
    libraries, in case you installed both. Run <tt>allegro-config</tt> without any
    arguments for a full list of options.
+   If you get an error like '<tt>allegro-config: program not found</tt>', and you're
+   sure you have built and installed the library as described above, it
+   probably means that <tt>/usr/local/bin</tt> is not on your path. The method to add
+   it depends on the shell you're using. If you have tcsh, add the following
+   line to the end of the <tt>.cshrc</tt> in your home directory.
+     set path=($path /usr/local/bin)
+   If you have bash, add the following line to the end of the <tt>.bash_profile</tt>
+   file in your home directory:
+     PATH=${PATH}:/usr/local/bin
+   If you don't know which, just type <tt>echo $SHELL</tt> on the command 
+   line, which will print either <tt>/bin/bash</tt> or <tt>/bin/tcsh</tt>.
+   Newer versions of OSX use bash, older ones use tcsh.
+   You will have to close the Terminal window and open a new one once
+   you have made the changes, so it will have an effect.
 Using Allegro from Project Builder (or XCode)

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