Re: [AD] END_OF_MAIN, again

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On Monday 01 August 2005 02:28 pm, Hrvoje Ban wrote:
> In wmain.c I forward declare
> _mangled_c_main(int, char *[]), _mangled_cpp_main() and
> _mangled_cpp_main(int, char *[]) and assign they address to pointers and
> invoke all three in WinMain.

What about _mangled_cpp_main(int, char**, char**)? And are arrays passed as 
arguments always the same as pointers in C++? In C the _mangled_main 
definition shouldn't matter, since the argument list and return type have no 
effect on the produced symbol (_mangled_main() and _mangled_main(int, char**) 
are the same as far as the linker is concerned).

And can this behavior be gauranteed (that it'll skip the other files if 
there's no matching symbol)? This also means introducing C++ sources for 
Windows. Allegro's never required C++ before.

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