[AD] Exported autoconf variables

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autoconf/automake on unix (Linux)
Allegro 4.2.0 (beta 4)

I've discovered that Allegro #define's many variables 
from autoconf and its 'configure' script in a C header
and exports them to its include directory. 
Hence it makes them system-wide and overrides the 'configure'
checks of my own autoconf/automake packages.

'include/platform/alunixac.h' is full of them 
and included whenever 'allegro.h' is included.
Even my package name and version are replaced by Allegro's.

I've attached a small autoconf/automake test program
to show that. Look at the "-D" command line options
(or the output of "configure --version")
and what the program tells about those symbols.

It already did it in my stable 4.1.15 release.

I can't help you much, but basically the file
generated by "autoheader" shouldn't be used "as is"
but maybe split into an unexported C header needed
to build Allegro with variables from the autoconf
checks (HAVE_STDLIB_H, HAVE_*_H)
and an exported C header with the other variables defined
at the 'configure' time (ALLEGRO_ALSA_VERSION,

Michael Lefebvre.

Attachment: ac_test-v2005-08-14.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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