Re: [AD] namespace conflict with curses

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On Tue, 2005-08-16 at 23:58 +1000, Peter Wang wrote:
> `hline' and `vline' are in conflict with the curses API.  How should we
> fix this?
> - We could handle it in the same way as we did for `clear'.  We give new
>   names to `hline' and `vline' and put in aliases in alcompat.h, which
>   can be switched off by #define ALLEGRO_NO_HVLINE_ALIAS.
> - We could do the same as the previous option, but NOT use the gcc
>   deprecation warnings.  Neither the old names nor the new names would
>   be preferred, but the old names could be disabled.
> - We could keep hline/vline as the "official" functions (what is listed
>   in the documentation), but internally rename them to something like
>   allegro_hline.  Again the hline/vline wrappers would have to be
>   disable-able.

I think 3 is best. We won't be able to fix all clashing names, and since
it apparently took about 10 years until hline/vline clashed with curses
the first time, I say this is pretty minor :) The only real fix of couse
would be to add a complete namespace (aka use al_ prefix). Which is too
late for 4.2.0.

Elias Pschernig

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