[AD] Windows example

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Hello everybody,

Some time ago I've posted about the "two monitors"
issue, which may be thinked as "two windows" in a
windowed environment... then, is it possible to
instantiate two windows, and switch between them so
allegro can "do it's stuff" on each? If not, it is
possible to create an add-on for this behaviour? How?

And the second question is:

While I was surfing looking for "windows oriented"
examples for Allegro (how to use all the windows
stuff) I've found one (1) example of how to
implement/use the windows specific stuff -that one
with a "red circle painting"-.

I guess it would be a good idea to add a subdirectory
"windows-specific" on the "examples"
 distribution files, and put there some (several would
be better) samples of this sub-topic.

Thanks again for supporting this great project!

Kind regards,
Hugo Caro
Gaming Software Developer


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