[AD] MSVC 8 target

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Attached are two patches that add a target for MSVC 8.

Tested and works against MSVC 6, 7.0, 7.1 and 8.0.

The following changes were made to fix.bat:

* The 'msvc' target spits out a notice that msvc7 and msvc8 targets
are available. I did this because many tutorials tell people to "fix
msvc." Then if they proceed to make and have a newer version of MSVC,
they will miss the advantages the specific targets provide.

* A target for msvc6 was added to bypass the above notice.

* A target for msvc8 was added that mimics the msvc7 target, but with
a different define.

* The --quick parameter was removed in favor of --crlf, which enables
the conversion on demand. The reason for this is that 99.99% of the
time it doesn't need to be done on Windows. It had already been
silently disabled on some of the Windows targets, which means there
was no way to trigger the conversion anyway. I know there is a desire
to keep the parameters the same between fix.bat and fix.sh, but I just
cannot see any justification for the --quick switch on Windows.

The following changes were made to makefile.vc:

* I removed the -GB switch as it is the default option for MSVC 6 and
7, but isn't supported by MSVC 8.

* The CFLAGS/LFLAGS/LIBPARMS were copy/pasted from the MSVC7 ifdef. I
wasn't sure if there is a way to do an "or". Maybe MSVC8 has better
flags that could be set anyway.

* Two defines were set for MSVC8 to silence deprecation warnings for
standard libc functions. Without the defines, you get bombarded with
warnings that make it look like something horrible is happening.

* I added $(CFLAGS) to the asmdef.exe target. 

One thing that I noticed is that MSVC8 creates .manifest files for
every EXE and DLL. Is there anyone familiar with MSVC8 that could
offer insight into how Allegro should deal with them? I noticed when
building from within MSVC Express 2005, that it embeds the manifest
files inside the EXEs. That seems nicer than having a separate file.

Matthew Leverton

Attachment: fix.bat.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: makefile.vc.diff
Description: Binary data

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