Re: [AD] excustom

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On Sat, 2005-08-27 at 20:26 +1000, Peter Wang wrote:
> > Yes, that's all it wants to show.. you can continuously update something
> > (normally it would be e.g. dumb_poll, and not drawing a clock), while
> > displaying a menu. The Allegro GUI of course can't overlap with any
> > other graphics.
> I think the example would be misleading so better not to commit your patch.

Well, you can't overlap any GUI elements, the menu is no exception. Now,
since menus overlap by their nature, the Allegro GUI simply shuts down
completely (it even stops sending MSG_IDLE) while the mouse is over any

This causes a problem though - MSG_IDLE doesn't do what it says if a
d_menu_proc is in the same dialog. E.g. even d_yield_proc or so stop

In the end, we have two possibilities.

- Apply the attached patch, and state that you shouldn't use
d_yield_proc or MSG_IDLE at all, if using menus, if you want them to do
what they say they do in the docs.

- Or, apply my patch (maybe should add more explanation to it), showing
the only clean way to keep MSG_IDLE doing what it says in the docs (at
least, the only I found). I.e. manually send MSG_IDLE for all dialogs
where you know it is save, two examples are given: d_yield_proc, and a
clock which is known to never overlap.

I don't see what is misleading there.. but I can add more documentation
of course.

Elias Pschernig
Index: examples/excustom.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/examples/excustom.c,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -r1.13 excustom.c
>    DIALOG_PLAYER *dialog_player;
<    do_dialog(the_dialog, -1);
>    show_mouse(screen);
>    dialog_player = init_dialog(the_dialog, -1);
>    while (update_dialog(dialog_player)) {
>        rest(1);
>    }
>    shutdown_dialog(dialog_player);

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