Fwd: [AD] OSX Dead bootstrap fix

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On 2005-07-12, Peter Hull <peter.hull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Please find below a patch to avoid the dead bootstrap issue as
discussed on a.cc. It also cleans up the dock notification code, and
allows command line apps (with SYSTEM_NONE) to run without the dock
being notified at all (resulting in faster start-up times, and avoiding
Dock crashes if apps start and terminate very quickly)

Please repost this patch as an attachment. Also, a link to the relevant
a.cc thread is good for the archives.


Here is the patch as an attachment:

Attachment: osx_bootstrap.diff
Description: Binary data

And here is the link:

I thought putting patches inline was better, so that subscribers to the daily summary can see them too. Is this not the case?


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