Re: [AD] todo list update

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On Sunday 05 June 2005 13:40, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Oh, and "todo list update" also reminded me to commit the polygon and
> circle wishlist items (i think my original mail about it to [AD] was
> eaten by SF back when I posted it..).

Not sure... I think I saw it at the time, but I may have just been 
following the discussion.

+- polygon() should draw bottom pixels. I.e. polygon() with 4 points should
+  produce the same shape as rectfill()
+  (

This I agree with.

+- ellipse/circle should use a better algorithm to give a uniform outline,
+  not the current "crispy" look (in fact, it's just very inaccurate). And
+  there should be a way to have even width ellipses.
+  (

This one I don't agree with! At least, I don't agree with the statement 
that the MS Paint ellipse looks better than the Allegro ellipse. To me, 
the MS Paint one looks considerably uglier than the Allegro one.


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