Re: [AD] Two threads on ACC

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Ryan Patterson wrote:

I've installed allegro several times before under cygwin. I've
compiled some notes, but I don't know how accurate they are.

-Allegro- if you have trouble, see
-Allegro- except only change the direct.h to mingw/ and copy _mingw.h
to .. instead of changing all 4 to mingw/ (it causes problems with
stdlib.h, et al)

So it seems one should change the header that has the whole
SCAN_DEpeND block to read mingw/direct.h, then copy
/usr/include/whatever/mingw/_mingw.h to /usr/include/whatever.

This is not the correct way to go about it! The thread on in question was actually started by myself. I have long since learned that the problem I encountered was really due to Allegro's building on Cygwin being broken in versions of Allegro prior to WIP 4.1.10, and the advice I give in the thread is just mis-leading. Fixing the problem using the method in the thread is more of a bodge than a fix, and therefore, a bad idea. Instead, get the latest version of the 4.2 branch. It is not fixed in 4.0.3 (although it's fixed in the CVS version of 4.0.x branch).


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