[AD] Grabber default video mode

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A while ago, I sent a patch (never applied) that made the grabber
default to the desktop resolution (fullscreen) if not otherwise
specified. There were no negative comments, other than some people
suggested that it should default to windowed.

Attached is a patch that changes the default behavior of the grabber:

* Default color depth is retrieved from the desktop if possible
* Default mode is windowed
* If fullscreen is specified, then desktop resolution is used by default

If neither windowed nor fullscreen is specified and the setting of the
resolution fails, then a second pass is taken using GFX_AUTODETECT.
This should make it so non-windowed platforms default to full screen.

Under DOS (or non windowed platforms), nothing should be different.
But, be warned that it's only been tested on windowed platforms where
the default modes actually worked.

Matthew Leverton

Attachment: grabber.c.diff
Description: Binary data

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