Re: [AD] Re: Make clean patch

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If you're modifying .cvsignore, please could you add .DS_Store to it? OSX Finder seems to add this to every directory it comes across; presumably it holds positions of icons and stuff. This script will do it (anyone have a neater version; my script-fu is weak..)

find . -name .cvsignore -exec echo 'echo .DS_Store >> {}' ';' | sh


On Thursday, June 30, 2005, at 08:26  pm, Ryan Patterson wrote:

Really sorry for basically resubmitting the same patch three times,
but there are still problems... I forgot to remove the Allegro GL
references in the second patch. Here is the file, without any
references to Allegro GL. Again, we also need to copy
tests/win/.cvsignore to

Ryan Patterson <mailto:cgamesplay@xxxxxxxxxx>

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