RE: [AD] No more video/system bitmaps |
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- To: <alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: RE: [AD] No more video/system bitmaps
- From: "Robert Ohannessian" <ROhannessian@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 12:02:58 -0700
- Thread-index: AcV2k0Km+fAEyQE6RayO+/dQJl5XeQAAFsLA
- Thread-topic: [AD] No more video/system bitmaps
> How about having an AL_DISPLAY * object as the destination argument
> than an AL_BITMAP, and add a function to create an AL_DISPLAY from an
> AL_BITMAP? Of course, that will then open the door to an
> AL_DISPLAY->AL_DISPLAY blitter, which comes down to the sort of thing
> were trying to avoid in the first place.
> The solution would be to keep that door shut, of course ;)
Why can't we just use AL_BITMAPs everywhere? AL_DISPLAY introduces
uneeded complexity in those nasty corner cases (which basically makes
the hard part even harder). Using AL_BITMAPs everywhere gives us bounded
complexity: We already know how to handle it because that's what Allegro
is currently doing!