Re: [AD] al_list_config_entries

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On Tue, 2005-06-21 at 14:33 -0400, Chris La Mantia wrote:
> From: "Elias Pschernig" <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > Just a small patch I needed while abusing Allegro's config functions for
> > something.. currently there is no other way to get the list of keys in a
> > section than trying all possible string combinations :P
> Wonderful!  I could really use this!
> Is this for 4.2, or is it only available for future Allegros?

It won't be in 4.2 unfortunately, due to feature freeze. Personally, I
regret it a bit now, seeing the potential this simlpe patch opens (bah,
and I remember, spellcaster from suggested something like
this a few months back.. then it could probably have been still
included). But then, it's no big problem applying custom patches (at
least for me..).

Elias Pschernig

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