Re: [AD] todo list item.. win32 multi-monitor

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On Sat, 2005-06-25 at 21:31 +1000, AJ wrote:
> >on the TODO list
> - Add a configuration option to specify the monitor on multi-monitor systems
> I(aj)  have read over some previous emails on the topic of multi-monitor
> systems and it seems that it would be problematic to implement.
> The differences between a single-card-dual-head  and two seperate
> gfx-cards is enough to make this option beyond the scope of a simple
> patch to select the monitor to use.  In windowed mode, the window could
> span 2 hardware video cards, which need to have things like
> video-bitmaps on each card.  All the video bitmaps would also need to
> have options to create them on a specific card.
> Unless anyone knows of simple ways to implement this, i suggest that
> item be dropped from the TODO list.

It would be enough to have a way to make fullscreen apps work correctly
at first. Nobody knows how to do this currently, that's why we need to
keep it in the TODO.

Elias Pschernig

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