On 2005-05-26, Andrei Ellman <ae-a-alleg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
Attached proposed documentation update.
+At the moment of writing this, Evert Glebbeek is the Allegro Dictator.
What about "King of Allegro" instead?
We've always called such a figure the "dictator", basically because it's
just for a laugh. I don't know if it really needs mentioning in the
manual[1]. I can't recall any time that any of us have had to step in
and sort out a dispute within the "core" group.
Some more history: at one stage no one was really willing to be the
dictator, so it was proposed that we have a triumvirate consisting of
Eric, Michael Bukin and myself. I *think* we agreed to it (someone
correct me if I'm wrong).