Re: [AD] make info with info about X11

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On Wed, 2005-05-25 at 00:30 +1000, Peter Wang wrote:
> > 
> > Just was going through some old posts, and I can't find a reply to this,
> > so not sure if it's ok to apply. (original post is here:)
> >
> I have a suspicion most people use xf86/xorg anyway, so wouldn't be that
> useful. 

Yes, but they may not be aware that they need the -dev packages, and
Allegro will silently build without X11 support in that case - but with
this patch, it will be easy to check. (Or maybe it already is easy, and
I just don't know how.)

> I read over the patch and it looks okay (without trying it out).

Ok, applied it to CVS.

Elias Pschernig

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