Re: [AD] Allegro 4.2.0 beta 3 |
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Evert Glebbeek wrote:
On Sunday 15 May 2005 20:19, Michal Molhanec wrote:
BTW what is the txt.bmp file good for?
Where did that come from? It's the result from when I was making some
changes to the grabber and needed to test them. I'm almost sure I deleted
it prior to generating the archives (though obviously I didn't). Sure
enough, it's not present in my local tree.
What I actually did was this: I made the distribution, noticed that file
was still present, deleted it and rebuild the archives. I must have
forgotten to delete the previously generated archive, so whatever files
I'd forgotten to delete the first time still ended up in the final
Anyway, you can throw it away.
OK, deleted :-)
(the file is not in the .tar.gz version, but the .zip file contains it)
ICQ# 175762750