Re: [AD] mouse focus @ create Window time bug

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AJ wrote:
AJ wrote:

this thread on seems to have found a fix for the mouse focus at createWindow time issue.

the problem is the mouse & keyb does not work if the window has not got the focus when the CreateWindow() is called.

/docs/src/win/wkeyb.c  line 553:
hr = IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel(key_dinput_device, allegro_wnd, DISCL_FOREGROUND | DISCL_NONEXCLUSIVE);

passes the  allego_wnd  which gets set by  create_directx_window()

even the /examples/exmouse.c attempts to init_keyb before it creates the window. so the allegro_wnd is probably NULL when that
IDirectInputDevice_SetCooperativeLevel() occurs.

whether this has anything to do with this focus bug, i have no idea.

maybe we could add an ASSERT()

from MSDN:
HRESULT SetCooperativeLevel( HWND hwnd, DWORD dwFlags );

hwnd: Window handle to be associated with the device. This parameter must be a valid top-level window handle that belongs to the process. The window associated with the device must not be destroyed while it is still active in a Microsoft DirectInput device.

here is another function that appears to be VERY relevant in this problem:

from this document:

here are some notes from MSDN that may be relevant for this bug:


Windows 2000/XP: The WS_EX_NOACTIVATE value for dwExStyle prevents foreground activation by the system. To prevent queue activation when the user clicks on the window, you must process the WM_MOUSEACTIVATE message appropriately. To bring the window to the foreground or to activate it programmatically, use SetForegroundWindow or SetActiveWindow. Returning FALSE to WM_NCACTIVATE prevents the window from losing queue activation. However, the return value is ignored at activation time.

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