Re: [AD] sys_directx_trace_handler

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in wsystem.c i'm seeing this:

/* thread_safe_trace:
* Outputs internal trace message.

void thread_safe_trace( char *msg,...)
char buf[256];
va_list ap;

/* todo, some day: use vsnprintf (C99) */
va_start(ap, msg);
vsprintf(buf, msg, ap);

OutputDebugString(buf); /* thread safe */

could help ...

On 4/28/05, Daniel Schlyder <daniel@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Elias Pschernig:
> It says:

> "If the application has no debugger, the system debugger displays the
> string. If the application has no debugger and the system debugger is not
> active, OutputDebugString does nothing."

If I run a program under GDB (MinGW, Windows CLI), I get output of
OutputDebugString(), so I guess sys_directx_trace_handler() makes sense
then? We've also got the _TRACE() macro for that, so I'm a bit confused

> The docs for al_trace:

> "Outputs a debugging trace message, using a printf() format string given
> in ASCII. If you have installed a custom trace handler it uses that, or if
> the environment variable ALLEGRO_TRACE is set it writes into the file
> specified by the environment, otherwise it writes the message to
> "allegro.log" in the current directory. You will usually want to use the
> TRACE() macro instead of calling this function directly."

Note that _TRACE() and TRACE() behave differently.

Daniel Schlyder

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