[AD] .RMI midi file support.

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I have created an addition to allegro that allows you to load RMI midi files.  Its was just a cut & paste from the original load_midi function with a few additions so it should still be properly formated.  This was not completely tested but should work correctly.  Check out the attached file RMI.c for the details.

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/*         ______   ___    ___ 
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 *        \ \ \L\ \\//\ \ \//\ \      __     __   _ __   ___ 
 *         \ \  __ \ \ \ \  \ \ \   /'__`\ /'_ `\/\`'__\/ __`\
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 *           \ \_\ \_\/\____\/\____\ \____\ \____ \ \_\\ \____/
 *            \/_/\/_/\/____/\/____/\/____/\/___L\ \/_/ \/___/
 *                                           /\____/
 *                                           \_/__/
 *      The core MIDI file player.
 *      By Shawn Hargreaves.
 *      load_rmi function by Ron S. Novy  (cut & paste from load_midi ;)
 *      See readme.txt for copyright information.

#include <string.h>

#include "allegro.h"
#include "allegro/internal/aintern.h"

/* load_midi:
 *  Loads a standard MIDI file, returning a pointer to a MIDI structure,
 *  or NULL on error. 
MIDI *load_rmi(AL_CONST char *filename)
   int c;
   char buf[4];
   long data;
   PACKFILE *fp;
   MIDI *midi;
   int num_tracks;

   fp = pack_fopen(filename, F_READ);        /* open the file */
   if (!fp)
      return NULL;

   midi = malloc(sizeof(MIDI));              /* get some memory */
   if (!midi) {
      return NULL;

   for (c=0; c<MIDI_TRACKS; c++) {
      midi->track[c].data = NULL;
      midi->track[c].len = 0;

   pack_fread(buf, 4, fp);
   if (memcmp(buf, "RIFF", 4))               /* check for RIFF */
      goto err;

   pack_mgetl(fp);                           /* skip RIFF chunk length */

   pack_fread(buf, 4, fp);
   if (memcmp(buf, "RMID", 4))               /* check for chunk type RMID */
      goto err;

   pack_fread(buf, 4, fp);
   if (memcmp(buf, "data", 4))               /* check for data chunk */
      goto err;

   pack_mgetl(fp);                           /* skip data chunk length */

   pack_fread(buf, 4, fp);                   /* read midi header */
   if (memcmp(buf, "MThd", 4))
      goto err;

   pack_mgetl(fp);                           /* skip header chunk length */

   data = pack_mgetw(fp);                    /* MIDI file type */
   if ((data != 0) && (data != 1))
      goto err;

   num_tracks = pack_mgetw(fp);              /* number of tracks */
   if ((num_tracks < 1) || (num_tracks > MIDI_TRACKS))
      goto err;

   data = pack_mgetw(fp);                    /* beat divisions */
   midi->divisions = ABS(data);

   for (c=0; c<num_tracks; c++) {            /* read each track */
      pack_fread(buf, 4, fp);                /* read track header */
      if (memcmp(buf, "MTrk", 4))
	 goto err;

      data = pack_mgetl(fp);                 /* length of track chunk */
      midi->track[c].len = data;

      midi->track[c].data = malloc(data);    /* allocate memory */
      if (!midi->track[c].data)
	 goto err;
					     /* finally, read track data */
      if (pack_fread(midi->track[c].data, data, fp) != data)
	 goto err;

   return midi;

   /* oh dear... */
   return NULL;

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