Re: [AD] 32 vs 64bit LONG

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AJ wrote:

further to this discussion:

(read my 2nd post), 3rd msg in thread.

/src/fli.c  contains  LONG vars that are really meant to be 32bits.

None of those cases matter, as far as I can tell.

mentioned was Peters patch to change many longs to something else.
if the patch has already been applied and /fli.c was missed, shall i do a quick audit for more cases ?

Fine, but know what you are looking for. It's not just a matter of looking for 'long's in the source. The main culprits you should watch out for are:

- storing address into unsigned longs (should be changed to uintptr_t)
- dereferencing 'long'-pointers to get "32-bit" pixel values (should be changed to 'uint32_t *')
- any place you see sizeof(long) is probably wrong


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