[AD] makedoc -scite fails silently

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I've been tracking the CVS versions of allegro, and updating without the -d option. Thus, I never had a scite subdirectory of docs. Whenever I run make, it tries to make the .api file for Scite, in a non-existent directory. This should give an error and return non-zero. It actually returns zero, so make thinks everything is OK - only next time it tries to make the file again.

It's a minor point, I know, but makedoc should return an error code if it fails - looking at the code in makesci.c
/* write_scite:
 * Entry point to the function which translates makedoc's format
 * to correct SciTE API output.
int write_scite(char *filename, char *src)
   printf("Writing %s (SciTE API File)\n", filename);
   _convert(src, filename);
   return 0;

_convert() should return a success/failure (it's declared as 'void') which should be propagated by write_scite().



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