Re: [AD] namespace cleanup

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On Sunday 13 March 2005 08:07, Peter Wang wrote:
> default_font.diff makes the variable `_default_font' internal to 
> src/font.c.  Is there some reason why _default_font was exposed in the 
> first place?

One reason I can think of is if you change `font' and then want the default 
Allegro font back afterwards (for instance, when using some of Allegro's 
buildin dialog boxes and routines). I usually safe it and restore it 
afterwards, but I can imagine that simply setting it back to _default_font 
is more convenient. I never did that because I never knew the symbol even 
existed before I started working on the font loading code!
As it's undocumented, I think it's ok to remove it from the public API.

> virt_voice.diff makes the variable `_voice' internal to src/sound.c.  
> Again, was there some reason for it to be exposed?

This I don't know about.

> Finally, win_namespace.diff makes the driver variables 
> `timer_win32_high_perf', `timer_win32_low_perf', `keyboard_directx' and 
> `mouse_directx' all internal to their own modules.  These should be fine.

Agreed. As I recall, the DirectX driver also suffers from a lot of 
functions that aren't static but could be, and if they're can't lack a 
leading _ and a _directx_ part in their name...


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