Re: [AD] Intel C++ 8.1

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on the MSVC makefile stuff, i would like to ensure that whatever changes are made do not effect the default MSVC setup, as i consider the icl stuff will not be used (for a while) by many users. any changes that occur must not make using a default msvc setup more complex than it already is. so if there is an option to keep it separate, or isolate it from the default msvc install procedure, please do.

i'd like to help with the icl stuff, as i use msvc7 and mingw on windows, however i do not have icl ;(


On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 13:11:43 +0100, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

This is how it would work for Linux too.

Evert, can you help me port to Linux? It looks like we need to follow
the MSVC pattern of gcc for ASMs and icc for C files ... But we need
to make changes at the autoconf-level to give a new configure script
... As such the installation of icc can be found by querying the
default /opt/intel_cc_80/bin directory.. I have kept the Linux
documentation for icc in:  (if not, linux.tar.bz2)

I guess it should ultimately be integrated with the configure machinery on
Linux... not completely sure if that's really the way to go though.
When I tried it last, I had some problems with the ICC compiled library:
text didn't render properly. I didn't invesigate the cause back then

Can you give me the exact details? Which version of icc was it, and
how was the library linked with it? I am guessing that the compiler
may not be a problem.Might have been a library dependancy..

And for Windows, do we need a separate platform? Because icl "is"
MSVC-dependant on Windows. It uses the MSVC headers/libraries to do
most of the compilation. If so, can we make the change a minor one

#ifdef ALLEGRO_ICL #define ALLEGRO_MSVC #endif
I don't have a problem in re-making a allegro/platform/iclwin.h or
whatever .. It will be plainly "redundant" with the MSVC file. Why I
suggested that we retain the common-ness was, that a dynamic/static
library compiled with icl can be used as-is with cl (MSVC or MSVC7) ..

Here is a more recent MSVC makefile: I'd really like to see everybody's ideas on this...
Awaiting a reply.

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