Re: [AD] generic game loop |
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Things to consider: how does it allow the user to specify the update rate?
Would it be possible to lock to a specific graphical framerate instead of
a logic rate? Is the user code able to query the current value of the time
counter? How does the user specify that the graphics need to be updated at
the next opportunity (does he call a function that sets a flag, say
request_graphics_update(), whenever the logic dictates that a graphics
update will be needed)?
The update rate is specified by the 'time' parameter. game_loop would
call install_int_ex( something, BPS_TO_TIMER(time) ) or whatever. I
guess this loop would only be able to lock to a logic rate, but why
would you want to lock to a graphics rate? There could also be a
function that returns the value of the time counter, but what would the
user do with this?
The user doesnt need to specify when to update the graphics, a flag is
set after the logic is run telling game_loop to call the draw() method.
I can see a critiscm be "This is a basic part of games that people
should know how to do and doesnt belong in a graphics library." but this
is exactly the point, its so common( or should be ) that it might as
well go in a game library, which Allegro is supposed to be.
Yes - but as a `supported addon' or whatever name we would choose to give
to addons that are bundled with the larger Allegro distribution.
Let's get 4.2 out of the way first though.
Ok. Maybe EasyAllegro or something equally quaint.