Re: [AD] MSVC bug in 4.1.18?

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Hm, this doesn't seem to be fixed for me:

Can it be that:


Is true, wheather or not there exists a type with that name already?

I get the following error with current CVS and mingw:

cpu=pentium -O2 -funroll-loops -ffast-math  -fomit-frame-pointer -I. -I./include
 -o obj/mingw32/alleg_s/wwnd.o -c src/win/wwnd.c
src/win/wwnd.c:92: conflicting types for `TITLEBARINFO'
c:/MinGW/include/winuser.h:2720: previous declaration of `TITLEBARINFO'
src/win/wwnd.c:92: conflicting types for `PTITLEBARINFO'
c:/MinGW/include/winuser.h:2720: previous declaration of `PTITLEBARINFO'
src/win/wwnd.c:92: conflicting types for `LPTITLEBARINFO'
c:/MinGW/include/winuser.h:2720: previous declaration of `LPTITLEBARINFO'
mingw32-make: *** [obj/mingw32/alleg_s/wwnd.o] Error 1

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