Re: [AD] show_os_cursor

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Ok, I today tried my previous patch in windows, and it works there as

Attached is a new patch (still needs some cleanup). It does this
compared to the last:

- You can now use custom bitmaps with MOUSE_CURSOR_ALLEGRO, and hide the
cursor with MOUSE_CURSOR_NONE. So that makes show_os_cursor complete.

- The functions enable_hardware_cursor, disable_hardware_cursor,
select_mouse_cursor are gone, since they are no longer needed.

- In X11, the mouse mickey hack is gone.

I also added show_os_cursor to exmouse to test it. But the real
advantage is in programs who use e.g. double buffering.

Elias Pschernig

Attachment: oscursor2.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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