Re: [AD] malloc() vs align_malloc()

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Note that for bitmaps, you'll want to align the line member. You
shouldn't care about alignment of the dat member, really.

so if i was to ensure the dat was large enough, then set all the line ptrs to aligned addresses, the rest of allegro should work just fine ?
or do some functions use  dat[y*pitch+w]  arithmetic?

In fact, aligned_malloc isn't all that useful to Allegro.

it will be, it will be.

-----Original Message-----
From: alleg-developers-admin@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:alleg-
developers-admin@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of AJ
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2005 11:57 PM
To: alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [AD] malloc() vs align_malloc()

further research for this topic:

these funcs also exist for msvc7


so i guess we need to match eahc aligned_malloc() with an


my mingw (gcc 3.4.2) has this:

/* These require msvcr70.dll or higher. */
#if __MSVCRT_VERSION__ >= 0x0700
_CRTIMP void * __cdecl _aligned_offset_malloc(size_t, size_t, size_t);
_CRTIMP void * __cdecl _aligned_offset_realloc(void*, size_t, size_t,

_CRTIMP void * __cdecl _aligned_malloc (size_t, size_t);
_CRTIMP void * __cdecl _aligned_realloc (void*, size_t, size_t);
_CRTIMP void __cdecl _aligned_free (void*);
#endif /* __MSVCRT_VERSION__ >= 0x0700 */

which means it can only be defined for systems that are using the


runtime.  not sure if this is a requirement for MSVC6 as the MSDN
documentaion claims its for systems back to win98.

this makes if a bit more difficult to implement cleanly, however if it
potentially can improve things like draw_sprite and masked_blit() by


much as 50% its worth doing.

AJ wrote:

before i go to the trouble of patching allegro i would like to hear


any arguments against using align_malloc() instead of malloc()

SSE/SSE2 instructions require aligned data for performance reasons.

i'd like to see at minimum all bitmap->dat*  mallocs be aligned to


byte boundaries (SSE requirement).

on Windows, its called _aligned_malloc
details here:


a quick look through allegro, i found many instances were an aligned
malloc *may* improve performace, many of these would not have any


effects as they are internally viewable vars, and would not break


viewable structs etc.

anyone from linux land able to offer the linux view or this



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