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On Monday 03 January 2005 12:50, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> *sigh*
> patch and new files attached this time.
Proposed documentation attached.
Index: docs/src/allegro._tx
RCS file: /cvsroot/alleg/allegro/docs/src/allegro._tx,v
retrieving revision 1.286
diff -u -r1.286 allegro._tx
--- docs/src/allegro._tx 4 Jan 2005 17:09:10 -0000 1.286
+++ docs/src/allegro._tx 5 Jan 2005 19:32:13 -0000
@@ -5863,6 +5863,187 @@
+Allegro provides routines for loading fonts from GRX format .fnt files, 8x8 or
+8x16 BIOS format .fnt files, and from bitmap images, or you can import a
+multiple-range Unicode font by writing a .txt script that specifies a number
+of different source files for each range of characters. The script file
+contains a number of lines in the format "filename start end", which specify
+the source file for that range of characters, the Unicode value of the first
+character in the range, and the end character in the range (optional, if left
+out, the entire input file will be grabbed). If the filename is replaced by a
+hyphen, more characters will be grabbed from the previous input file. For
+example, the script:
+ ascii.fnt 0x20 0x7F
+ - 0xA0 0xFF
+ dingbats.fnt 0x1000
+would import the first 96 characters from ascii.fnt as the range 0x20-0x7F,
+the next 96 characters from ascii.fnt as the range 0xA0-0xFF, and the entire
+contents of dingbats.fnt starting at Unicode position 0x1000.
+By default, Allegro can only use bitmapped (non-scalable) fonts. If you want to
+use True Type fonts, you will need to use an add-on library.
+@\void @register_font_file_type (AL_CONST char *ext,
+@@ FONT *(*load)(AL_CONST char *filename, RGB *pal, void *param));
+@xref load_font
+ Informs the load_font() functions of a new file type, providing a routine
+ to read fonts in this format. The function you supply must follow the
+ following prototype:
+ FONT *load_my_font(const char *filename, RGB *pal, void *param)
+ {
+ ...
+ }
+ The pal parameter can optionally be used to return a palette for the
+ FONT. The parameter param can be anyhing you like: you can use this to
+ pass information to your loading routine, such as for instance the font
+ height, the character range to load or the index number of a font in a
+ datafile. If you choose to write your own font loading code, your function
+ should be prepared to deal with a value of NULL for either of these
+ parameters.
+@\FONT *@load_font (AL_CONST char *filename, RGB *pal, void *param);
+@xref register_font_file_type, load_bitmap, load_dat_font
+@xref load_bios_font, load_grx_font, load_grx_or_bios_font, load_bitmap_font
+ Loads a font from a file. At present, this supports loading fonts from
+ a GRX format .fnt file, a 8x8 or 8x16 BIOS format .fnt file or any bitmap
+ format that can be loaded by load_bitmap().
+ If the font contains palette information, then the palette is returned in
+ the second parameter, which should be an array of 256 RGB structures
+ (a PALETTE). The pal argument may be NULL. In this case, the palette data,
+ if present, is simply not returned.
+ The third parameter can be used to pass specific information to a custom
+ loader routine. Normally, you can just leave this as NULL.
+ Example:
+ FONT *myfont;
+ PALETTE palette;
+ ...
+ myfont = load_bitmap("my_font.pcx", palette, NULL);
+ if (!myfont)
+ abort_on_error("Couldn't load font!");
+ ...
+ textprintf_centre_ex(screen, myfont, SCREEN_W/2, SCREEN_H/2,
+ white, black, "This is my own pretty font!");
+ ...
+ destroy_font(bmp);
+ Returns a pointer to the font or NULL on error. Remember that you are
+ responsible for destroying the font when you are finished with it to
+ avoid memory leaks.
+@\FONT *@load_dat_font(AL_CONST char *filename, RGB *pal, void *param))
+@xref register_font_file_type, load_font
+ Loads a FONT from an Allegro datafile. You can use the param parameter
+ to pass the sequential number of the FONT to load from the datafile
+ (counting from 0). If pal is not NULL, then the last palette entry found
+ in the datafile before the font was found is returned.
+ Example:
+ Suppose you have a datafile named fonts.dat with the following contents:
+ Then the following code will load FONT_1_DATA as a FONT and return
+ FONT_1_COLOURS as the palette:
+ FONT *f;
+ PALETTE pal;
+ f = load_dat_font("fonts.dat", pal, NULL);
+ If instead you want to load the second font, FONT_2, from the datafile, you
+ would use
+ FONT *f;
+ PALETTE pal;
+ int n;
+ n = 1; /* Zero based! */
+ f = load_dat_font("fonts.dat", pal, &n);
+ If you want to load the third font, but discard the palette from FONT_2, use
+ FONT *f;
+ int n;
+ n = 2; /* Zero based! */
+ f = load_dat_font("fonts.dat", NULL, &n);
+ Returns a pointer to the font or NULL on error. Remember that you are
+ responsible for destroying the font when you are finished with it to
+ avoid memory leaks.
+@\FONT *@load_bios_font(AL_CONST char *filename, RGB *pal, void *param))
+@xref register_font_file_type, load_font
+ Loads a 8x8 or 8x16 BIOS format font. You shouldn't normally call this
+ routine directly.
+ Returns a pointer to the font or NULL on error. Remember that you are
+ responsible for destroying the font when you are finished with it to
+ avoid memory leaks.
+@\FONT *@load_grx_font(AL_CONST char *filename, RGB *pal, void *param))
+@xref register_font_file_type, load_font
+ Loads a GRX format font. You shouldn't normally call this routine
+ directly.
+ Returns a pointer to the font or NULL on error. Remember that you are
+ responsible for destroying the font when you are finished with it to
+ avoid memory leaks.
+@\FONT *@load_grx_or_bios_font(AL_CONST char *filename, RGB *pal,void *param))
+@xref register_font_file_type, load_font
+ Loads either a BIOS or GRX format font. You shouldn't normally call this
+ routine directly.
+ Returns a pointer to the font or NULL on error. Remember that you are
+ responsible for destroying the font when you are finished with it to
+ avoid memory leaks.
+@\FONT *@load_bitmap_font(AL_CONST char *filename, RGB *pal, void *param))
+@xref register_font_file_type, load_font, load_bitmap, set_color_depth.
+ Tries to grab a font from a bitmap. The bitmap can be in any format that
+ load_bitmap understands and must be an 8 bit bitmap, so you may need to
+ temporarily disable the colour conversion.
+ The size of each character is determined by the layout of the image, which
+ should be a rectangular grid containing all the ASCII characters from space
+ (32) up to the tilde (126). Use colour 0 for the transparent portions of the
+ characters and fill the spaces between each letter with color 255.
+ Note that in each horizontal row the colour-0 bounding boxes around the
+ characters should align and have the same height.
+ Probably the easiest way to get to grips with how this works is to load up
+ the demo.dat file and export the TITLE_FONT into a PCX file. Have a look at
+ the resulting picture in your paint program: that is the format a font
+ should be in.
+ Returns a pointer to the font or NULL on error. Remember that you are
+ responsible for destroying the font when you are finished with it to
+ avoid memory leaks.
Text output
Allegro provides text output routines that work with both monochrome and