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Julien Cugnière wrote:
What would really be an improvement is if memcpy was faster than blit... who
knows :-)
hehe, I do. memcpy is *much* faster that draw_sprite for 24-bit bitmaps. Ratio
of sums of 3 consecutive test:
draw_sprite memcpy
(5.155+5.145+5.155) / (2.63+2.655+2.7) = 0.5166
Other color depths favor draw_sprite. This realy make you think...
int main() {
int c;
int t;
BITMAP *bmp, *bmp1;
const int iter = 2000;
bmp = create_bitmap_ex(24, 800, 600);
bmp1 = create_bitmap_ex(24, 800, 600);
t = clock();
for (c = 0; c < iter; ++c)
memcpy(bmp->line[0], bmp1->line[0],
BYTES_PER_PIXEL(bitmap_color_depth(bmp)) * bmp->w * bmp->h);
//draw_sprite(bmp, bmp1, 0, 0);
t = clock() - t;
printf("24-bit: %i calls, %f ms per call\n", iter, 1000.0 * t / (iter *
return 0;
Milan Mimica