Re: [AD] 64bit CPU detection patch

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On Sunday 02 January 2005 01:37, aj wrote:
> im a patch newbie, sorry.. 

That's ok. The main thing you need to know is to call diff as
diff -up file1 file2
to get a list of differences between file1 and file2 (or the directories if 
it's directories). Add -r to recursively diff directories and redirect the 
output to a file to generate a .diff file you can post here.
I suppose there are graphical front-ends as well, but I don't know any.

> can someone add these 2 lines to
> /allegro/src/i386/icpu.c
> and also add the defines to the list in /include/allegro/system.h  
> line 110)

What values did you have in mind for the CPU_IA64 and CPU_AMDx86_64 
identifiers (I don't like the latter - can we rename it to CPU_AMD64)?


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