[AD] Re: Serious Bugs in the DJGPP port of ALLEGRO in 4.1.17

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From: Elias Pschernig

Re: Serious Bugs in the DJGPP port of ALLEGRO in 4.1.17 <http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=10525335> 2005-01-10 15:27
Marcio wrote:


With cvs, you could create the diffs directly against cvs.
(http://awiki.strangesoft.net/bin/view/Main/AllegroDev#Creating_Applying_a_patch) But using
diff as you did work just as well.

I'm not willing to learn CVS, at least not
until I finish my thesis. After that, surely it would be
interesting to learn CVS. But anyway, thanks for the link.
If it seems simple, perhaps I may change my mind.

> > The affected files are:


>      src/dos/wss.c => I don"t know how to fix the
>         warning issued in this file, so I compiled it
>         with the WARNMODE flag OFF.

Hm. The line is:

if (_dma_allocate_mem(BLOCKLEN * 2, &wss_dma_sel, (unsigned long *)&wss_dma_addr) != 0)

And the variable is declared as:

static int wss_dma_addr;

Maybe changing that to static unsigned long fixes it? Not really sure
about this though..   [...]

I hadn't time to look with care to this file.
Anyone interested in fixing it?


>      src/misc/vbeaf.c => Weird warning. I fixed it
> making screen_vtable.triangle NULL (not > a very elegant solution).

Simply changing "static int vbeaf_triangle" to "static void
vbeaf_triangle" should fix it as well. The "triangle" function must have
been changed from int to void at some point, although I can't remember
that change.

Anyone interested in fixing this too?

> > In the build process I used GCC 3.3.4 (at home) and
> GCC 3.4.1 (at work), under a Windows 98 SE DOS box (in
> both machines).

I've noticed that GCC 3.4.1 complains about the -mcpu=pentium
compile flag. GCC 3.3.4 does not. I'll try to recreate this
notice again, and send it to the mailing-list, if no one can
recreate this. GCC 3.4.1 says -mcpu=pentium flag is obsolete,
and suggests a replacement.

Since you are using windows, you might want to use a windows compiler
instead of DJGPP (although, it would be bad, since again nobody tests
changes with DJGPP then :)

No. I'll stay with DJGPP for a long time, even though I'm using Windows.
Actually I'm compiling the same programs with DJGPP and DEVC++ to verify
portability issues (although incomplete, until I install linux :)


>   Anyway, thanks for this wonderful library. I"m using
> Allegro in a scientific program I"m writing for my
> Master thesis.

What is it about?

This program is used to test star recognition algorithms,
pattern matching algorithms and others related to autonomous
attitude determination through stars, to be used in an
Autonomous Star Sensor. It's named PTASE. I'll post
a screenshot of this program to a web-page when possible.
Besides that, I intend in the future to use it's graphics
routines to write an astronomy program.

My thesis is related to the development of an autonomous star
sensor, and algorithms for it. PTASE is being used as a tool
to test and improve these algorithms.


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